


  • Fall 2024 (2024년 2학기)

Digital Communications (디지털 통신) - 학부

Overview :: 교과목 개요

Course Digital Communications 교과목 디지털통신
Department Electronic and Electrical Engineering 전공 전자전기공학전공
Course Number - Class 30279-01 학수번호-분반 30279-01
Hours/Credits 3 hours (M 11:00-12:15, W 09:30-11:45)/3.0 credits 시간/학점 3시간 (월 11:00-12:15, 수 09:30-10:45)/3학점
Lecture Room Engineering B Building B161 강의실 신공학관 B161
Lecturer Prof. Hyunggon Park 강의자 박형곤 교수
Teaching Assistant Dayoung Choi 조교 최다영 대학원생
Office  Engineering A Building Rm427 연구실 아산공학관 427
Tel.  3277-3896 전화 3277-3896
Email hyunggon dot park at ewha.ac.kr 이메일 hyunggon dot park at ewha.ac.kr

Course Description :: 교과 개요 

We study basic theories for the transmission of digital signals in various communication systems. We will cover the concept of noise and distortion in digital systems and extend our studies into error correcting coding and source compression coding.

  1.    1. Modulation and demodulation for digital information transfer.
    1.    2. Definition of noise and its influence on information reception.
    2.    3. Occurrence of errors in the receivers, and theories for the optimal recovery.
  3. Prerequisites :: 선수 교과목

    The prerequisite for this class is Communication Theory. Hence, it is strongly recommended that students should review important topics covered in the classes of Communication Theory and Random Processes.

    Course Format :: 강의 방식


Course Objectives :: 교과 목표

The students will be able to 

  1. understand basic theories for the transmission of digital signals in various communication systems. 

  2. understand the concept of noise and distortion in digital systems.

  3. extend our studies further into error correcting coding (channel coding).

Evaluation and Grades :: 평가기준 및 성적

  - Relative evaluation

  - Midterm (35%), Final (45%), Project (20%)

Texts and References :: 교재 및 참고문헌

  - Textbook: John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, "Fundamentals of Communication Systems," Pearson Education 2014. (2nd edition). ISBN-13: 9781292015682 (Global Edition)

  - Reference: B. Sklar and F. Harris, "Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications," Pearson Education 2021. (3rd edition). ISBN-13: 9780137569076

Notices :: 주의 및 참고 사항

  - According to the University regulation section #57, students with disabilities can request special accommodations related to attendance, lectures, assignments, or tests by contacting the course professor at the beginning of the semester. Based on the nature of the students’ request, students can receive support for such accommodations from the course professor or the Support Center for Students with Disabilities (SCSD). Please refer to the below examples of the types of support available in the lectures, assignments, and evaluations.

  - F will be given if you do not take either midterm or final exams.

  - Cyber campus will be used for material distribution and report submissions.

If you have questions, it is strongly encouraged either you may stop by the office of TA or instructor with an appointment in advance or send/receive via emails.